February 22, 2009

  • Cookies galore!

    It’s a little late, but here’s what I made a few weeks ago for a Valentines Day ice cream social and dance.

    These are made with my favorite sugar cookie recipe from martha stewart… I think the secret is really in the buttermilk. I always get compliments on these, so if you ever get a chance, you should try making these yourselves!

    Link to Recipe

    Peach jelly cookies

    Sakura & ume blossoms – they were supposed to be pink and white, but I didn’t put enough red food coloring in


    Everyone together now…

February 16, 2009

  • Sailor Crafty

    Been working on increasing the amount of loli-inspired stuff in my closet. Here’s how to get a sailor loli outfit quick and cheap.

    (via FanPlusFriend)

    Buy a $5.99 skirt.

    Alter it to fit.

    Find a whole bunch of trims and lace.

    Sew them on

    Yay! :) A 1 hour 6 dollar sailor lolita outfit!

    Fun and economical. :) I probably should have put on some proper tights and mary janes, but we were going out that day and I wanted to be more casual.

February 15, 2009

  • Dear Blog,

    Let’s start over. Somewhere along the way I lost sight of why I began writing you in the first place. Swept up in the idea that I had to entertain others, I’ve become paranoid about writing anything at all. I hate how I began to regiment my blogging so that I could have enough content for days to come. I hate that it began to feel like a chore and not a hobby. And what I hate the most is that I began to feel that you were of no worth if no one read you.

    This only lead to me losing out on my favorite part of you– being able to look back on my life and seeing all the things that I had accomplished or was proud of. I feel like I’m missing a whole year of my life! You are of immeasurable worth to me. I’m really the only one who needs you, in the end… but somehow I let myself forget about that.

    So with that… Let’s start again. With the right attitude this time.

    Your owner,

January 8, 2009

  • Utada Hikaru!

    My favorite artist, Utada Hikaru, is coming out with a second American CD! I loved her first one, but it was somewhat of a flop here in America (Even though a lot of songs were produced by Timberland…go figure).. Anyways… A single was recently released and I think it sounds GREAT!

    Check it out:

December 15, 2008

October 23, 2008

September 24, 2008

September 16, 2008

  • Finally, an update!

     1. My first hamster died!

    RIP, hamuhamu

    2. We got another one:

    Welcome to the family, momo!

    3. We also got a cat!!
    His name is waluigi… because he sounds like waluigi when he meows.



    4. I finally took pics of the apartment

    Our kitchen is finally complete!

    Our living room, which is hopefully going to soon be populated with a television

    The illustrious bathroom.

    My walk-in closet, one side is dedicated to clothes, the other side is a wall full of crafting supplies.

    My hand-made trouser hangers.  =) Aren’t I clever and thrifty? (50 for 5 dollars!)

    And my hand-covered and labeled boxes for my walk in closet.

    Yay handmade stuff.

August 15, 2008

  • On being a girl

    Call me paranoid, but whenever I start a new job at a company that’s not a web development company, I feel like I have to work extra hard to prove myself as competent in my line of work.  While I know that there is that feeling whenever one starts a job, I definitely feel more pressure in a company where there is no one but me who has expertise in my field (which is strange, because shoudln’t it be harder at a company where everyone does the same thing as me?).  It’s hard working without peers… but is this the only reason for my sense of unease?

    There’s one thing that always nags me at these companys in which all the more skill-involved jobs are done by men and the only jobs held by women are accounting assistants, HR, secretaries, and other phone picker-uppers and paper shufflers:

    Would I have to work this hard for respect if I was a guy with the same amount of experience?

    I’ll never know for sure… but I have a sneaking suspicion that I wouldn’t like the real answer.