May 12, 2007

  • Car Insurance

    So, today I signed for my own car insurance for the first time.
    While the act itself isn’t such a big deal, it’s really had a hard
    impact on me.

    The end of the car insurance marks the end of any connection I have
    with my immediate family [and by that, I mean mom and brothers]. At
    least before this I’d get an email every 6 months telling me to pay my
    mom. But no, here’s where it ends, with car insurance. Now, with
    finality I can say, it’s unlikely I’ll ever speak to any of them again
    in a long, long time.

    My family
    The last time I was with everyone, Christmas 2005

    There’s a certain loneliness that comes with being disowned by the
    people who raised you. Moreso than that, though, is a sense of complete

    You grow up hearing that families are supposed to stick together no
    matter what. Even my own family said that. Growing up, my mom would
    always say “Your friends will go away, but we as a family will always
    be there for each other”.

    I guess what she failed to mention is that I would only be accepted
    by my family if I didn’t make any of my own choices. And beyond that,
    as long as I didn’t make any mistakes. Oh, and as long as I never, ever
    made amends with my father.

    It really tears me apart inside knowing that my family doesn’t
    really care that I’ve put my life back together piece by piece. And
    that they don’t really see any difference between the person that I am
    now and the insane drug-addicted bi-polar run person I was before I
    started my life over. All they can see is that I’m fat, ugly, and not
    doing what they tell me to do.

    I know the changes I’ve made in my life have been the right ones,
    but it’d be really nice if I could get validation from my own family.


    You would think that after a year of being completely severed from
    my mother and brothers, I wouldn’t still seek their approval and
    kinship. But I do. Recently, I’ve tried to reach out a few times. Most
    notably prior to my baptism. I wanted to make sure I went into it
    without any regrets.

    Other than the anti mormon literature, my family pretty much ignored my attempts to rekindle any kind of relationship.

    It hurts, but I guess I can move on.

    My father

    I’ve mentioned my mom and my brothers several times in this entry.
    You may be wondering where my dad was this whole time. My dad was out
    of my life for over 13 years, and we only met each other again about a
    year ago. So, I only recently became acquainted my father with that
    side of my family.

    My dad actually did, in fact, attend my baptism. Which meant a lot
    to me, actually. Him and his side of the family, my uncle and my
    cousins have been accommodating in every way.

    I love my dad, from what I remember of him, but aside from familial
    care, it’s very difficult for me to accept my new family into my heart.
    At times it’s almost painful to be with them, for as happy as they are
    to see me every time, and as happy as I am to have a group of people
    accept me as their own, it’s really not the same, because I didn’t grow
    up with them.

    Car insurance

    So, as I was saying, today I purchased my own car insurance for the
    first time. With it came all these feelings. I’m sure for most it’s
    just something that has to be done, and nothing more. But this time,
    right here, this simple life task makes me feel so heavy I feel like
    I’m going to sink into the floor.

    My heart hurts so much, I can barely breathe.

    I’ll end this with the last words I heard:

    “I hope I never hear about you or think about you again until I die. Just the thought of you makes me suffer”

    Oh mom, you hurt me too. More than you’ll ever know — because if you
    did, I don’t think you would have treated me the way you have all these

    This was originally posted at

Comments (26)

  • i hope one day she’ll understand.

  • if u have costco membership you can get costco member prices from amerprise. its a lot cheaper, mine went from $690 to $560 every 6 month! thats $140 saving!

    ok now i sound like a stupid radio ad…but yea, try it.

  • That is so sad…what do they try and make you do that is so bad that you have to be apart like this? I hope it all works out soon.

  • You:  Her last words were, “I hope I never hear about you or think about you again until I die. Just the thought of you makes me suffer.”
    Me:  That’s quite mad pimp.
    You:  But I’ve got some good news.  My heart hurts so much, I can barely breathe.
    Me:  Why?
    You:  I just saved a bunch of money on my car insurance switching to Geico!

  • i know i’m not here for you in the same way i was in the past.  but i want you to know that i still care about you and that i’m happy to hear you’re life is most defnitely down the right path.  we should definitely catch up for real one of these days….

  • which insurance did you get? progressive insurance is pretty good with good driver and other discounts.. mine went from 650 to 495 after the 1st 6 months for renewing cuz i didn’t get in any accidents or get any tickets. that’s a lot! then it went down to 450 the 2nd time.

    and the only time i ever really disagree with Madonna is when she wrote the words, “The only thing you can depend on, is your family”, because family (and i’m assuming she’s talking about blood related) aren’t really ever there to depend on. so my congrats to you for being like a bird to be free. fly away shi! flyyyy!!

    lol. i’m a tad hyper.

  • It sounds bad, but I’m somewhat relieved that you’re not totally accustomed to your father, and his family or whatever. After all the things you told me, I’m glad that you as a person don’t merely flip flop your love just cause the other side has recently dissapointed you. I hope for the best that everything is just in your dad’s intentions for coming back for you life. I think regardless, it’s always nice to have someone blood related in your life. Hopefully your things with your mom and thes rest of the family will work itself out. Sometimes living in a vietnamese household, you have the problem of people seeing what they want to see instead of actually trying to work things out the way people are supposed to. I’m dealing with similar shit of my own, but sometimes ya gotta just shake it off and forgive them for their idiocy. Now that you’re religious and all, I think it should be less of a problem. Hell, if Spider-man can forgive the Sandman in such ridiculous illogical fashion, why can’t we?

  • *hugs*

    Emancipation… that’s something I’m going through as well. After I graduate in August, I won’t be in contact with my family, either. Perhaps my mother only.

    Good luck to you.

  • i’m sorry your family is… not. i think sometimes parents are too angry and self righteous to see how they’ve gone wrong. they end up extinguishing the only people that really loved them unconditionally. you did and you do the right thing by trying to communicate with them, to the best of your ability, and it’s touching to see that you try to reach out to them – you do your part. your mother and brothers will realize someday their mistake – and most likely it will be too late…but you know what… sometimes family is the only people that can hurt us that much.

  • *hugs*

    Oh my dear, don’t you fret! You’ve done an excellent job of getting better so don’t stop! You can doo itttttttttt!

  • i must say, i can’t even begin to imagine what it’s like to live through these things – i have been blessed to have grown up w/ much love and care from my family – now i’m the only one left – and it seems particularly hard-having been spoilt – and now living w/ no one who is truly there for me w/o fail – i’m glad you’ve chosen to live in a closer step w/ spirituality – to consider God in all things can only be a good thing…

    good wishes for you always,


  • wow, just reading that pretty much broke my heart too.

    that sucks monkey balls.

  • Hey Kim, if it means anything at all…I’ve definetly noticed an inner glow and over all happier & healthier you when we all met up last week. I hope that your mom and those you care about see this as well in their hearts…or at least one day will. In the mean time, keep it up =) Your mom will be your mom and your brothers will be your brothers… but you also have a hand-picked family you can rely on — your friends.

    :) I’m happy for the all the good things that are happening in your life right now, with all my heart!

  • Hey Kim, I’m in Taiwan still but I’m sorry for all the falling outs you’ve had with your family. I remember I was there the last time you saw your Mom and how stressful it was for you to be there. As much as you miss them and love them I can’t imagine how it is to be ostracized by the people you grew up with.

    I’m really proud of what you’ve done with your life and I think Brent and your new family really appreciate the great and kind person you are. I know your friends do even if they don’t understand for the time being.

  • I wish yer mom learned to let go of her need to control u. Perhaps one day she’ll realize you are yer own woman.

  • hey. i left a comment at your but it seems like it didnt work? i was hoping you could read it and cheer up.. 

  • It is a shame that your mother cannot look past her blindness to accept you for what you’ve become.

    Stay strong!

  • As much as I disapprove of drug use; I am glad that you saw the errors of your ways and made a conscious effort to start life anew. I would forgive you as long as you don’t go back to the same old shit. But once you go back, that’s IT! You’ll just keep disappointing us after that. So good job, girl! Keep it up!

  • sounds like she’s hurting more than you. but she has to play tough and not show weakness right? life is too short for all of this. props to you for making contact with your dad. just take it as it comes, without too many expectations… =)

  • You look so happy in your Christmas pic.

    If you’re doing something right, you don’t need approval. I’m sure your family will one day see the strong woman you’ve become.

    Forgiveness is the hardest thing to learn and impossible to teach.

  • sounds like some hard time; [ it's gotah get worse to get better ]

  • what kind of family is that? I can’t believe it…. But congratulations for you emancipation.. it’s not everyone who can stand up tall from all this that brings you down…

  • this is really sad.

    for some reason, you’re on my subscriptions… from the good old days i used to do xanga alot, i guess.

    anyway, i am glad you are feeling much better.

    heal fast. :o )

  • Your blogs stuff is purely enough for me insurance quotes

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